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Datura innoxia, Jimsonweed

from 5,45 EUR
9 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

Products description

Botanical name: Datura innoxia
Synonym: Datura inoxia, Datura fastuosa, Datura meteloides
Common name: Thorn-apple, downy thorn-apple, Indian-apple, lovache, moonflower, sacred datura, nacazcul, toloatzin, tolguache, toloache, jimsonweed, Jamestown weed, devil’s weed, thorn apple
Family: Solanaceae
Native to: Central and South America
Life cycle: perennial (tropic climate)
Flower colour: white
Flower time (Central / West-Europe): June to October
Height: 100cm
Characteristics and usage: ornamental, medicinal & poison plant
Weight of 1000 seeds: 13g
Seeds per gram: 75
Cultivation / direction of sowing: sow seed at 22ºC indoor or outdoors, directly into final growing places from May after the last expected frost

seedpack (approx 100 seeds)
Datura innoxia, Jimsonweed

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