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Products description
Botanical name: Peganum harmala
Synonym: Harmala multifida, Harmala peganum, Harmala syriaca, Peganon harmalum
Common name: Esfand, wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue, harmal
Family: Nitrariaceae
Native to: North Africa, South-East Europe, West Asia, West, Central Asia
Life cycle: perennial
Flower colour: white
Flower time (Central / West-Europe): April to May
Height: 80cm
Characteristics and usage: Ornamental plant, medicinal plant, ritual plant, traditional use; antiviral, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, aromatic, dye, medicinal, emmenagogue, abortifacient, psychotropic also it is used as an incense, active constituents in the seeds: Harmine, Harmaline
Weight of 1000 seeds: 4g
Seeds per gram: 250
Cultivation / direction of sowing: Sow at 20ºC (68ºF), thin cover, germination irregular, Syrian rue needs light to germinate.
Synonym: Harmala multifida, Harmala peganum, Harmala syriaca, Peganon harmalum
Common name: Esfand, wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue, harmal
Family: Nitrariaceae
Native to: North Africa, South-East Europe, West Asia, West, Central Asia
Life cycle: perennial
Flower colour: white
Flower time (Central / West-Europe): April to May
Height: 80cm
Characteristics and usage: Ornamental plant, medicinal plant, ritual plant, traditional use; antiviral, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, aromatic, dye, medicinal, emmenagogue, abortifacient, psychotropic also it is used as an incense, active constituents in the seeds: Harmine, Harmaline
Weight of 1000 seeds: 4g
Seeds per gram: 250
Cultivation / direction of sowing: Sow at 20ºC (68ºF), thin cover, germination irregular, Syrian rue needs light to germinate.