Products description
Botanical name: Veratrum album
Synonym: Veratrum lobelianum, Helleborus albus, Melanthium album, Veratrum polygamum, Melanthium bracteolare, Melanthium virens, Veratrum viride, Veratrum parviflorum, Veratrum bosniacum, Veratrum croaticum, Veratrum flavum
Common name: White Hellebore, false helleborine, European white hellebore, white veratrum
Family: Melanthiaceae or Liliaceae (lily family)
Native to: Alps region and East-Europe
Life cycle: perennial
Flower colour: green-white
Flower time (Central / West-Europe): July to September
Height: 150cm
Characteristics and usage: poison plant, medicinal plant, ornamental plant
Weight of 1000 seeds: 4g
Seeds per gram: 250
Cultivation / direction of sowing: sow seed at 18-22ºC (64-72ºF) for 2-4 weeks, move to -4 to +7ºC (19-21ºF) for 4-6 weeks, move to 5-12ºC (41-57ºF) for germination.
seedpack (approx 100 seeds)