Products description
Botanical name: Psychotria viridis
Synonym: Palicourea viridis, Psychotria glomerata, Psychotria microdesmia, Psychotria trispicata, Uragoga glomerata, Uragoga microdesmia, Uragoga trispicata, Uragoga viridis
Common name: Chacruna, Chacrona, Oprito, Ayahuasca plant
Family: Rubiaceae
Native to: South America’s rainforests
Life cycle: perennial, evergreen shrub
Flower colour: white
Flower time (Central / West-Europe): -
Height: 250cm
Characteristics and usage: Ornamental plant, medicinal plant, ritual plant, Chacruna leaves is the primary admixture plant employed by Shamans of the Amazon basin to make the famous preparation known as Ayahuasca and the second admixtures is such as Banisteriopsis caapi.
Weight of 1000 seeds: -
Seeds per gram: -
Cultivation / direction of sowing: Sow in humid compost at 25-30°C, cover with glass, germination irregular, often several months. Psychotria viridis require permanently moist soil for germination.